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Random thoughts
Sunday, 11 September 2005
Random thought(s)
I wanted a cool title for my blog. I could not think of one. So I named it 'random thoughts' and made a mental note that I would rename it when I found a cool sounding name. :-P

With just one post and just one thought in the blog, the title is not justified. Hence this post! :-D

I have been working on bugs recently - one where the fs forgets to flush pages to disk and then reads stuff from the disk... The only problem was that someone else was working on it and doing a good job. Then for reasons that are beyond me, it came to my plate. Fortunately there were enough details in the bug report, I just had to be a code monkey. :-)

I don't mind being a code monkey... Honest. As long as that is not the only thing I do.

Another bug that has been of interest is a performance regression. Client is seeing it. If I also see it, then I am all set to start some real investigation. :))

I have not been finding the right state of mind to work on a deadlock bug. The folks above (tech lead/manager) are not asking for a fix. But it is an interesting bug and I want to fix it. Let me see if I can find the drive to fix it sometime soon...

I don't see why anyone would want to read my blog. I have only bugs to discuss and nothing interesting. Have no clue why I am writing this. Maybe because it is cool to write a blog. Whatever... O:-)

It is time for lunch. Ciao!

PS: I think this post does justify the title... :))))

Posted by freesourcecodes at 2:02 PM
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Thursday, 20 July 2006 - 10:20 PM

Name: "Appu"
Home Page: http://parayilla

I hereby claim to be the first commentor. Is this tripod blog?

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